return on investment

How to Calculate Return on Investment (ROI) in Real Estate

If you’re thinking about investing in real estate, you’ve probably come across the term “return on investment” (ROI). ROI is an important measure that can help you make successful property investments and find profitable real estate deals. What is Return

Net Operating Income

How To Calculate Net Operating Income (NOI) for Real Estate?

Understanding the true profitability of a potential real estate investment can be tricky. You need a metric that cuts through the noise and focuses on the property’s core ability to generate income. That’s where Net Operating Income (NOI) comes in.


What is DSCR and why is it useful In Real Estate Investing?

The DSCR, or Debt Service Coverage Ratio, is crucial in real estate finance and commercial lending. It plays a vital role in evaluating commercial real estate, business loans, tenant financials, and determining the maximum loan amount. This blog will provide